Case Studies

All materials and contents are courtesy of Dr. Mehdi Noroozi Inc and patients treated in his practice and subject to copyright. Not to be copied or duplicated for any purpose. 

General Disclaimer: The results in the photographs are examples only and do not imply any certainty of the result of a procedure, and all outcomes are subject to the circumstances of the individual patient.

IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Newsletter 2023

IMPrESS Perio Newsletter 2022

Sinus Lift, Bone Graft, Dental Implant Surgery and Restoration

Dental Implant Centre in Vancouver Burnaby Sinus Lift Dental implant Surgery Dr. Noroozi Implant Specialist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center.001

CBCT Guided Implant Surgery – Restoratively Driven Implants

Multiple Dental Implants IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Burnaby Implant Specialist Vancouver Implant Center Dr. Mehdi Noroozi Implant Specialist in BCFront Teeth Dental Implants in VancouverFront tooth implant Esthetic implant dentist Implant specialist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. M. Noroozi Implant SpecialistFront Teeth Dental Implant Bridge by Vancouver Dr. Noroozi Implant Specialist

Dental Implant Specialist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver BC Implant Centre Periodontist
Same Day Implants Dental Implant Specialist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver BC Implant Centre Periodontist
Dental Implant Specialist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver BC Implant Centre Periodontist

Front Implant Teeth Specialist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center

Implants for congenitally missing lateral incisors IMPrESS Perio Implant Centre Dr. Noroozi Implant Specialist
Front Implant Tooth, best dental implants in Burnaby BC Vancouver BC IMPrESS Perio Implant Center

Front Implant Tooth Dr. Mehdi Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver Burnaby Periodontist Implant Specialist

Immediate Implant Immediate Crown Same Day Implant Final Crown Implant in Esthetic Zone Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver Burnaby BC
Immediate Implant Immediate Crown Same Day Implant Final Crown Implant in Esthetic Zone Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver Burnaby BC
Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors Dr. M. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver Burnaby Periodontist
Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors Dr. M. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver Burnaby Periodontist Implant Specialist
Dental Implants in Burnaby BC Vancouver BC IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Fixed Dental Implant Bridge IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi All on 4 in Vancouver
Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver and Burnaby Advanced Centre for Periodontics and Implant Dentistry
Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver and Burnaby Advanced Centre for Periodontics and Implant Dentistry
Vancouver BC Dental Implants IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Dr. Noroozi Sinus Lift Surgery For Dental Implants IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Sinus Lift Surgery to replace upper back teeth IMPrESS Perio Implant Center

Aesthetic Crown Lengthening for Gummy Smile or Uneven Gum Line
Dental Implants Vancouver BC

Full Mouth Rehabilitation with Ceramic RestorationsPorcelain Veneers By Burnaby Prosthodontist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center

Failing Dental Bridge Being Replaced by Dental Implants

Replacing Missing Teeth with Implants at IMPrESS Perio

Implant Complication Management

Implant complication management

Immediate Implant Placement in Molar Extraction Site

Vertical Bone & Gum Augmentation & Guided Implant PlacementVancouver Best Implant Dentist Bone Graft Front Tooth Implant Best Dental Implant Centre Vancouver BC

Same-Day Guided Implant Surgery and Implant Temporary Crown 

IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi Vancouver Periodontist Implant Specialist Burnaby BC
Front Implant tooth Best Implant Dentist Vancouver Burnaby BC Best Implant CenterIMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi Vancouver Periodontist Implant Specialist Burnaby BC
Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver and Burnaby Advanced Centre for Periodontics and Implant Dentistry
Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver and Burnaby Advanced Centre for Periodontics and Implant Dentistry

Full Mouth Reconstruction with Fixed Implant Bridge – All on X

All on X implant Full Mouth Implant Reconstruction All on 4 Implants IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver Burnaby Periodontist Prosthodontist Implant Specialist Dr. Noroozi Periodontist Implant Specialist

Full Mouth Implant Rehabilitation IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi implant Specialist Burnaby Vancouver BCAll on X Full Mouth Implant Rehabilitation IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi Implant Specialist BurnabyAll on 4 Implants Vancouver Burnaby BC IMPrESS Perio Implant CenterFull Mouth Implants IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Burnaby Vancouver BC Dr. Noroozi All On 4 ImplantsIMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi Vancouver Periodontist Implant Specialist Burnaby BCmile Makeover with Full Mouth Implants IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Burnaby BC Dr NorooziIMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi Vancouver Periodontist Implant Specialist Burnaby BC

All on Four Implants Vancouver Burnaby BC Teeth in a day IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi

Best All on X Full Mouth Implants All On 4 Vancouver Dental Implants Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Implant Specialist

Fixed Implant Teeth IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi Implant Specialist
Fixed Implant Teeth IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi Implant Specialist
Fixed Implant Teeth IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi Implant Specialist
Porcelain Hybrid Imlant Supported Fixed Bridge to replace all missing teeth Burnaby Vancouver BC
Xray of full mouth implants Vancouver BC

Sinus Lift, Bone Graft, Dental Implants Surgery and Restoration

Sinus Lift Guided Dental Implant Surgery Vancouver BC Dr. Noroozi Periodontist in Burnaby BC

Bone Grafting for implants Guided Implant Surgery Implant Bridge Dr. Noroozi Vancouver Implant Specialist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Bone Grafting for implants Guided Implant Surgery Implant Bridge Dr. Noroozi Vancouver Implant Specialist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center

Guided Tissue Regeneration with Bone Graft & Growth Factors to Save teeth

Guided bone and tissue Regeneration emdogain Vancouver IMPrESS Perio Implant Center

 Guided Tissue Regeneration with Emdogain Bone Grafting IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi Periodontist Burnaby Vancouver BC.003
 Emdogain Therapy Vancouver Burnaby BC
 Guided Tissue Regeneration with Emdogain Bone Grafting IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi Periodontist Burnaby Vancouver BC
 Guided Tissue Regeneration with Emdogain Bone Grafting IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi Periodontist Burnaby Vancouver BC

Gummy Smile Treatment – Aesthetic Crown lengtheningGummy Smile Treatment Esthetic Crown lengthening Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Burnaby BC Vancouver Burnaby Periodontist

Allograft Dermal with Pinhole Surgery, Alternative to Gum Grafting 

Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Allograft Dermal Tissue Dr. Noroozi Periodontist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver Burnaby BC Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Allograft Dermal Tissue Gum Graft Alternative Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Periodontist in Vancouver Burnaby

Gum recession treatment in Burnaby BC near Vancouver Best Periodontist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Gum recession treatment in Burnaby BC near Vancouver Best Periodontist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Gum Graft Alternative Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Allograft Dermal Matrix Vancouver Periodontist Dr. Noroozi
Gum Graft Alternative Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Allograft Dermal Matrix Vancouver Periodontist Dr. Noroozi
Gum Graft Alternative Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Allograft Dermal Matrix Vancouver Periodontist Dr. Noroozi
Gum Graft Alternative Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Allograft Dermal Matrix Vancouver Periodontist Dr. Noroozi
Best Gum Graft Alternative with Dermal graft to treat gum recession Dr. Noroozi Vancouver Periodontist IMPrESS Perio Implant
Best Gum Graft Alternative with Dermal graft to treat gum recession Dr. Noroozi Vancouver Periodontist IMPrESS Perio Implant
Dermal Graft Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Gum Graft Alternative Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Vancouver BC
Dermal Graft Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Gum Graft Alternative Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Vancouver BC

Pinhole Surgical Technique wtih Allograft Dermal Matrix Dr. Noroozi Periodontist in Burnaby BC IMPrESS Perio Implant Center

Connective Tissue Gingival Grafting for Gingival Recession

Gum Grafting for Gum Recession Treatment Gingival Graft Dr. Noroozi Vancouver Burnaby Periodontist Gum Specialist Gum Recession Treatment Gum Graft CTG Tunnel Dr. Noroozi Vancouver Periodontist Implant Specialist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Gum Graft Surgery in Burnaby BC, Dr. Noroozi periodontist Vancouver BC IMPrESS Perio Implant Center.005

Gum Recession Treatment Gum Grafting Vancouver Gum Specialist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center

Severe Gum Recession Treatment Gum Grafting Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Vancouver Burnaby PeriodontistGum Grafting for Treatment of Gum Recession Dr. Noroozi Periodontist Burnaby Vancouver IMPrESS Perio Implant Center

 Gum Recession Treatment Gum Graft in Vancouver BC Burnaby BC Dr. Noroozi Periodontist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
 Gum Recession Treatment Gum Graft in Vancouver BC Burnaby BC Dr. Noroozi Periodontist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
 Before frenectomy
Gum Graft Surgery Gum Grafting for Treatment of Receding Gums Frenectomy Dr. Noroozi Gum Graft Specialist Periodontist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
 After frenectomy+ Gum Graft
Gum Graft Surgery Gum Grafting for Treatment of Receding Gums Frenectomy Dr. Noroozi Gum Graft Specialist Periodontist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
 Before Treatment
After Treatment 
Gum recession treatment in Burnaby BC near Vancouver Best Periodontist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Gum recession treatment in Burnaby BC near Vancouver Best Periodontist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Gum recession treatment in Burnaby BC near Vancouver Best Periodontist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Best Periodontist in Vancouver BC Best Gum Graft Gum recession treatment Burnaby Periodontist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Best Gum Graft for Gum Recession Gum Specialist Vancouver Periodontist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center Dr. Noroozi
 Gum Grafting for Gum Recession Treatment. Dr. Mehdi Noroozi Vancouver Burnaby Periodontist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center 
 Gum Grafting for Gum Recession Treatment. Dr. Mehdi Noroozi Vancouver Burnaby Periodontist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center

Gum recession treatment in Burnaby BC near Vancouver Best Periodontist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
 Gingival Graft Best Gum Graft for gum recession treatment Vancouver Burnaby Periodontist Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio Implant Center.001
Gum Grafting for Gum Recession Vancouver Periodontist IMPrESS Perio
Gum Grafting for Gum Recession Vancouver Periodontist IMPrESS Perio
Vancouver Gum Grafting Vancouver Gum Specialist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Braces Gum Recession Treatment Best Periodontist in Vancouver BC Dr. Noroozi IMPrESS Perio
Gum Graft in Vancouver BC Vancouver Periodontist Gum Specialist IMPrESS Perio Implant Center
Best gum graft in Vancouver Burnaby Dr. Noroozi Periodontist
Gum graft burnaby periodontist IMPrESS Perio
Gum graft burnaby periodontist IMPrESS Perio